Friday, 7 October 2011

I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here...

It's been a busy usual!  Started off with the dreaded mammogram on Monday morning and frankly, it wasn't so bad.  I won't be signing up to do one weekly or anything but the build-up was much worse than the reality of having it done.  And although it was done at the hospital and there appeared to be quite a few people in the waiting room, I was ushered in almost as soon as I arrived and we were back out before we went over the half hour on our parking ticket. Which left my love and I with the rest of the afternoon to be all productive and stuff! We cooked a lovely roast chicken dinner (and by "we", I mean "he" here), did a *bunch* of dishes, did laundry and still managed to watch one of the Twilight flicks (don't judge, we borrowed it from his brother and have to return it as we've had it for over a year now without watching it!) in the evening.  All in all, not a bad day, considering how it started!
I spent most of this week overindulging in food, which is going to continue through the weekend, given that it IS Thanksgiving and further given that I will be celebrating not once, but twice! It started Tuesday with dim sum with the ladies at work, which, while delicious, was not necessarily the best thing for me!  Then Wednesday, one of my reps took me out for lunch to show his appreciation for all my help, which was nice. Doubly so since he's one of my favourites. And because he's on a real health kick himself, I even managed to make a reasonably healthy choice for lunch...yay me! Then yesterday was an all-day sales meeting thingy where they fed us lunch and where I overindulged again...whatever.  I also only managed to work out three times this week but that's three more than I was doing a few months ago and I was eating at least as many calories every day back then so I am still good, I figure.  The less frequent workouts is atypical so I'm not worried; I am firmly in this habit now.
I spent most of the evenings this week hanging out with my friend T whose cat has been gravely ill. She is only 3 or 4 years old and they just could not figure out what was wrong with her...not eating, blood count very low, etc. She had 4 or 5 transfusions and all kinds of invasive stuff done to her, it's going to cost him in the neighbourhood of $10,000 and for a while, it looked likely that at the end of it he'd only have an ex-cat to show for it. Things are now much more cautiously optimistic...fingers crossed, she'll turn the corner tomorrow after a final (hopefully!) transfusion to help boost her blood count back to an acceptable level that she can maintain. They've decided it's some kind of autoimmune issue so there's likely daily meds in her forseeable future but it is (again, fingers crossed) manageable so it's good-ish news, given the alternatives (cancer)...
With that, I'm off to be thankful for ALL the things I have...a wonderful and loving family, great friends, in-laws that I actually like a lot, happy and healthy fur-babies and a man who is more and more "the one" every day that I am lucky enough to get to spend with him. On top of it all, I'm employed at a job I don't (usually) hate and I'm on the road to better health. I really couldn't ask for anything more.
I wish you all the best too...happy Thanksgiving!

P.S.  The post title is a quote from one of the greatest movies of all time, which is the antithesis of the one I mentioned earlier in the post...if you haven't seen it or don't love it, I'm sorry but I don't think we can be friends anymore. Just sayin'.

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